
  • September (2024) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)

    The contemporary digital era is witnessing substantial alterations in economic and commercial dynamics, driven by technical breakthroughs, globalization, and the imperative for adaptable management techniques. The amalgamation of money and technology propels innovation throughout banking, financial sectors, and international trade. Simultaneously, difficulties in resource management, improving efficiency, and sustaining competitiveness necessitate a more adaptive managerial strategy to market and technology shifts. Subjects such as fintech literacy, developmental transformation, supply chain management, and the execution of digital strategy exemplify endeavours to enhance company and economic performance in the context of swift technological advancement. This holistic approach enables many sectors to use new opportunities while confronting the constraints of digital transformation.

    The Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives (JIEP) includes publications from 15 universities spanning 8 nations. These institutions comprise notable universities from Indonesia, including Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember State Islamic University and Universitas Islam Negeri K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, as well as Kaziranga University in India, Universiti Malaya and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Malaysia, along with others from Sweden, Argentina, Nepal, Brunei Darussalam, and Sudan. This varied representation highlights the international cooperation in Islamic economics.


    The editorial team.

  • February (2024) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)


    The discussed issues cover Islamic economics and business practices in Indonesia, focusing on consumer behaviour, halal certification, Sharia banking performance, digital investment adoption by Generation Z, female entrepreneurship, marketing methods for halal products, regional economic growth, and public service efficiency. Twenty-five authors from 12 affiliations and six countries (the United States, Austria, Iran, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia) have written or co-written all of the articles in this issue (eight original research articles). We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, The Editorial Team.

  • September (2023) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023)

    This issue explores key aspects of Islamic finance, economics, and technology in Indonesia. Topics include the establishment of a Zakat culture, the financial dynamics of Sharia stocks, MSME challenges in Islamic banking, and Shariah repurchase agreements. It also covers the utilization and accounting of Zakat and other charitable practices, the role of augmented reality in digital marketing, the evolution of the Halal industry in Industry 5.0, risk mitigation in unsecured Islamic financing, and factors influencing Islamic entrepreneurial intentions among students. These studies collectively highlight the dynamic and impactful nature of these fields in society. We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, The Editorial Team.


  • Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives

    February (2023) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023)

    These issues encompass various aspects of financial and economic practices in Indonesia. They include the preparation of foundation financial statements based on ISAK 35, fuel pricing in Jokowi's era analyzed through Adam Smith and Ibnu Taimiyah's theories, and detecting financial statement fraud in LQ45 companies. Other topics address the impact of Baznas enforcement on fund collection during the COVID-19 pandemic, financial accounting standards for MSMEs in Central Kalimantan, the role of conservatism in reducing earnings management during IPOs, and reducing moral hazards in Indonesian pesantrens. Additionally, they cover purchasing decisions of halal-certified products by "Pantura Muslims," a bibliometric analysis of entrepreneurship skills in Pakistani SMEs, and a case study on Siyasah Al-Ighraq in the Aur Kuning Bukittinggi market. We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, Editorial Team.

  • Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives

    September (2022) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)

    These issues explore various aspects of management, leadership, entrepreneurship, and societal welfare. Topics include optimizing Hajj fund management for pilgrims' welfare post-COVID-19, causes of project failure in robotic machinery manufacturing, fostering entrepreneurial spirit through Santripreneur programs, and the existence of the Ji'alah contract. Additionally, they investigate servant leadership in police departments, the potential benefits of youth involvement in cooperatives, and reflections on valuable yet often neglected initiatives. We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, Editorial Team.

  • Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives

    February (2022) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)

    These issues cover key aspects of Islamic finance, organizational behaviour, corporate social responsibility, and tourism. They include the application of Maqashid al-Sharia in Islamic finance, organizational etiquette, governance in CSR disclosure in Sharia banking, and patient satisfaction based on service quality and location. Other topics examine the impact of awards and work spirit on employee performance, strategies for competitive and loyal halal tourism in Madura post-COVID-19, the socio-economic background of digitalization in Indonesia, and risk management at Tarutama Nusantara. We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, Editorial Team.

  • September (2021) The Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives.
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)

    These issues explore various strategies and impacts in business, education, and Islamic finance. Topics include SWOT analysis for company strategy during COVID-19, Islamic banking education from Maqasid Al-Mu'amalat's perspective, the influence of leadership, motivation, and compensation on employee performance, and lifestyle segmentation of Islamic Economics students. Additionally, they cover optimizing waqf management for Indonesia's demographic bonus, leveraging product and cultural diversity for market expansion via e-commerce at Masjid Al-Falah, and dynamic capability in pesantren entrepreneurship. We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, Editorial Team.

  • February (2021) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)

    These issues address various aspects of leadership, quality management, Islamic studies, and employee behavior. Topics include the environmental performance of civil employees influenced by ethical leadership, the perspective of Sharia economics on Islamic studies, and total quality management in coffee processing. Other areas of focus are the impact of work experience, motivation, and competence on Mee Macau Surabaya, local wisdom in Indonesian ecotourism, the polemic of charging interest (riba) among conventional bank employees, the effects of a joint liability system on member behavior, and the relationship between person-organization fit and organizational citizenship behavior in SMEs. We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, Editorial Team.

  • September (2020) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)

    These issues cover diverse aspects of finance, consumer behaviour, business models, and economic impact. Topics include the effect of audit quality, tax avoidance, leverage, and other comprehensive income on firm value in the Jakarta Islamic Index, and the impact of counterfeits on branded products in the garment industry. They also explore consumer purchase decisions at CV. Cahaya Citrasurya Indoprima, truck procurement decisions using the NPV method, and changes in business models for Islamic religious colleges in East Java during COVID-19. Those examine religious tourism's economic value, compare the performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia and Malaysia, identify entrepreneurial success factors in MSMEs in Muaradua, and assess the viability of a charity-based Islamic microfinance model in Nigeria for mitigating COVID-19's impact on social wellbeing. We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, Editorial Team.

  • February (2020) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)

    These issues explore key factors influencing job performance, economic empowerment, and professional development. They cover the role of work environment and organizational culture in job performance, the efforts of Sharia economic empowerment through Koperasi Wanita Srikandi, and the impact of remuneration and social support on work engagement. They discuss the development of self-competence and supervision for achieving professionalism, the contribution of Sharia economic law to Indonesia's economic development, and community economic empowerment based on mosque initiatives. We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, Editorial Team.

  • September (2019) Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)

    These issues focus on work culture, risk management, and Sharia accounting. Topics include the influence of work culture, creativity, and innovation on the competitive advantage of small batik industries in Pamekasan; the application of joint responsibility systems to minimize credit risk; and the role of Sharia accountants in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The papers explore the perspectives of Islamic scholars on multi-level marketing and the transformation of national Sharia commercial banks based on the dominant Murabaha contract. We are proud to present some of these articles to you!

    Regards, Editorial Team.