Publication Fee

This journal charges the following fee:

Article submission: 0,- (FREE)

Article publication:

We divide the article processing charge into two stages, which are included with the issuance of the Letters of Acceptance (LoA).

  1. Conditional Letter of Acceptance.
    The LoA is issued after two reviewers have reviewed the author's article. The author must revise the article according to the reviewers' feedback and pay a fee of IDR 250,000 (for Indonesian authors) or USD 16.00 (for overseas authors) at this stage.
  2. Unconditional Letter of Acceptance.
    This LoA is issued once the author has completed all the revisions requested by the reviewers, and the article has entered the pre-publication stage, specifically the copy editing process. At this stage, the author is also required to pay an additional fee of IDR 500,000 (for Indonesian authors) or USD 35.00 (for overseas authors).

    For more information, feel at liberty to contact the JIEP editorial team via email: